Our PIC number is: 948502279; Our EVS accreditation number is: 2016-1-SI02-KA110-013687

If you want to spend a few months in European countries, familiar charm and a patchwork of other cultures, improve your skills and embark on the adventure of volunteering, the Association ” Youth Volunteers’ offered you the solution that idea into reality.
The competence of the European Commision and its Directorate for Education and Culture, one of the programs offered by the European Voluntary Service (EVS), which allows young people to participate in international projects in some of the countries in Europe for a period of two months to one year.
The general objectives of the program are:

  • to promote active (European) youth citizenship,
  • develop solidarity and tolerance in order to foster social cohesion in the Union,
  • to promote mutual understanding between young people in different countries of Europe and the world,
  • contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities,
  • to promote European cooperation in the youth sector.

Till now, the Association “Youth Volunteers” received 4 volunteers from Spain and Turkey and we sent 10 of our volunteers and to Slovenia, Turkey, Poland, Spain and Italy.
More about the program on this link: EVS